"historyChangeBump": "231321" // every time something changes this number is dumped. So it's enough to poll this get request and no need to poll the history or balances get request constantly to update the up, but only when this number changes
## POST /wallet/create - Creates the wallet
### Parameters
"network": "main", // "main" or "testnet"
"password": "password"
### Responses
"success": "true",
"mnemonic": "foo bar buz",
## POST /wallet/load - Loads the wallet and starts syncing
### Parameters
"password": "password"
## POST /wallet/recover - Recovers the wallet
### Parameters
"network": "main", // "main" or "testnet"
"password": "password",
"mnemonic": "foo bar buz",
"creationTime": "2017-02-03" // DateTimeOffset.ParseExact("1998-01-01", "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), utc time
### Response
Cannot check if the password is good or not. If the password is wrong it'll recover a wallet with the wrong password.
## DELETE /wallet - Deletes the wallet
Works as expected.
## GET /wallet/mempool/?allow=[true/false] - Allows or disallows mempool syncing
Works as expected.
## GET /wallet/receive/[account1/account2] - Displays unused receive addresses of the specified wallet account
### Responses
"success": "true",
"addresses": // 7 unused receive address (7 is the best number: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201109/7-reasons-we-7-reasons)
## GET /wallet/history/[account1/account2] - Displays the history of the specified wallet account
"timestamp": "2016.12.20. 1:15:36" // if unconfirmed it's the time our node first seen this transaction, utc
## GET /wallet/balance/[account1/account2] - Displays the balances of the specified wallet account
### Responses
"success": "true",
"synced": "true",
"confirmed": "0.144",
"unconfirmed": "-6.23"
If the synced is false, then the balances might not be accurate.
Confirmed balance is the (amount of unspent confirmed outputs - unconfirmed outgoing transactions). It cannot be negative.
Unconfirmed balance is the difference of unconfirmed incoming and outgoing transactions. It can be negative.
## POST /wallet/build-transaction/[account1/account2] - Attempts to build a transaction with the specified wallet account
### Parameters
"password": "password",
"address": "1Xyz...",
"amount": "0.12", // in btc, if 0, then spends all available
"feeType": "low", // "low"/"medium"/"high"
"allowUnconfirmed": "true" // if spending unconfirmed outputs is allowed
### Responses
#### Successful
"success": "true",
"spendsUnconfirmed": "false", // If spends unconfirmed you can ask the user if it's sure about spending unconfirmed transaction (if inputs are malleated or inputs never confirm then this transaction will never confirm either"
"fee": "0.0001",
"feePercentOfSent": "0.1" // Percentage of the total spent amount, there must be a safety limit implemented here