Commit ed070a26 authored by Jeremy Bokobza's avatar Jeremy Bokobza

added appveyor CI build

parent dda29a1e
| Windows |
| :---- | :------ | :---- |
[![Windows build status][1]][2] |
# Breeze # Breeze
This is the repository of the Breeze Wallet, the first full-block SPV bitcoin wallet using Angular and Electron at the front-end and C# with .NET Core in the back-end. This is the repository of the Breeze Wallet, the first full-block SPV bitcoin wallet using Angular and Electron at the front-end and C# with .NET Core in the back-end.
...@@ -26,3 +34,26 @@ dotnet build ...@@ -26,3 +34,26 @@ dotnet build
cd src/Breeze.Daemon cd src/Breeze.Daemon
dotnet run light -testnet dotnet run light -testnet
``` ```
CI build
We use [AppVeyor]( for Windows CI builds and [Travis CI]( (coming soon) for our Linux and MacOS ones.
Every time someone pushes to the master branch or create a pull request on it, a build is triggered and a new unstable app release is created.
To skip a build, for example if you've made very minor changes, include the text **[skip ci]** or **[ci skip]** in your commits' comment (with the squared brackets).
If you want the :sparkles: latest :sparkles: (unstable :bomb:) version of the Breeze app, you can get it here:
| | x86 Release | x64 Release |
|**Windows 7**| [build][7] | [build][8] |
|**Windows 10**| [build][9] | [build][10] |
# from
# you can use {branch} name in version format too
# version: 1.0.{build}-{branch}
version: 0.1.0.{build}
do_not_increment_build_number: true
skip_tags: true
# branches to build
# whitelist
- master
# environment configuration #
image: Visual Studio 2017
clone_folder: c:\projects\breeze
- Debug
- Release
- win_runtime: win7-x64
- win_runtime: win7-x86
- win_runtime: win10-x64
- win_runtime: win10-x86
- ps: |
$env:log_prefix = "[$env:win_runtime][$env:configuration]"
if($env:win_runtime -ilike "*x86")
$env:arch = "ia32"
$env:arch = "x64"
$env:app_output_name = "breeze-$env:win_runtime-$env:configuration"
$env:api_output_name = "api-$env:win_runtime-$env:configuration"
# build configuration #
- ps: |
Write-Host "$env:log_prefix STARTED restoring dotnet and npm packages" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
cd Breeze
# Initialize dependencies
git submodule init
git submodule update
dotnet restore -v m
cd ../Breeze.UI
Install-Product node 6
npm install
Write-Host "$env:log_prefix FINISHED restoring dotnet and npm packages" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
- ps: |
Write-Host "$env:log_prefix running 'dotnet build'" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
cd ../Breeze/src/Breeze.Daemon
dotnet build -c $env:configuration -r $env:win_runtime -v m
Write-Host "$env:log_prefix running 'dotnet publish'" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
dotnet publish -c $env:configuration -v m -r $env:win_runtime -o $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\dotnet_out\$env:win_runtime
Write-Host "$env:log_prefix zipping results of 'dotnet publish'" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
7z a $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\dotnet_out\$ $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\dotnet_out\$env:win_runtime\*
cd ../../../Breeze.UI
Write-Host "$env:log_prefix running 'npm run'" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
npm run build:prod
Write-Host "$env:log_prefix packaging breeze" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
node package.js --platform=win32 --arch=$env:arch --path=$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\breeze_out
Write-Host "$env:log_prefix copying the Breeze api into the app" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
xcopy /s $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\dotnet_out\$env:win_runtime\* $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\breeze_out\breeze-ui-win32-$env:arch\resources\app\assets\daemon\
Write-Host "$env:log_prefix zipping the result" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
7z a $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\breeze_out\$ $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\breeze_out\breeze-ui-win32-$env:arch\*
Write-Host "[$env:configuration][$env:win_runtime] FINISHED dotnet build" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
- ps: |
Write-Host "$env:log_prefix running the api tests" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
dotnet test -c $env:configuration $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER/Breeze/src/Breeze.Api.Tests/Breeze.Api.Tests.csproj
Write-Host "$env:log_prefix done running the tests" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
#if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
# artifacts configuration #
# pushing all files in build directory recursively
- path: breeze_out\*.zip
name: Breeze app
- path: dotnet_out\*.zip
name: api libraries
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