Commit bccab88b authored by Jeremy Bokobza's avatar Jeremy Bokobza

Added scripts to build packages locally

parent bd4c9604
......@@ -294,3 +294,6 @@ project.lock.json
# This file should be kept in sync with the appveyor.yml file.
# If run successfully to completion, it will
# 1. install dotnet dependencies
# 2. build the dotnet daemon
# 3. install node dependencies
# 4. build the electron app
# 5. start the app
$env:current_folder = $PSScriptRoot
$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER = $env:current_folder + "\.."
$env:win_runtime = "win-x64" # win-x32
$env:configuration = "Release" # Debug
$env:arch = "x64" # ia32
$env:plat = "win32"
$env:app_output_name = "app"
Write-Host "Installing dependencies" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-Host "--> git submodule" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
git submodule update --init --recursive
Write-Host "--> npm install" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
npm install --verbose
Write-Host "--> npm install npx" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
npm install npx --verbose
Write-Host "FINISHED restoring dotnet and npm packages" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
# build configuration #
Write-Host "*--------------------------------*" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-Host "current environment variables:" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-Host "Windows runtime: $env:win_runtime" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-Host "Build directory: $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-Host "Configuration: $env:configuration" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-Host "*--------------------------------*" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
Write-Host "running 'dotnet publish'" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
cd $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER/StratisBitcoinFullNode/Stratis.BreezeD
dotnet publish -c $env:configuration -v m -r $env:win_runtime -o $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\Breeze.UI\daemon
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
Write-Host "building Breeze" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
npm run build:prod
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
Write-Host "packaging breeze" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
npx electron-builder build --windows --$env:arch
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
Write-Host "[$env:configuration][$env:win_runtime] FINISHED Breeze packaging" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
cd app-builds
Write-Host "[$env:configuration][$env:win_runtime] Done! Your installer is:" -foregroundcolor "green"
Get-ChildItem -Path "*.exe" | foreach-object {$_.Fullname}
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
# This file should be kept in sync with the appveyor.yml file.
# If run successfully to completion, it will
# 1. install dotnet dependencies
# 2. build the dotnet daemon
# 3. install node dependencies
# 4. build the electron app
# 5. start the app
$env:current_folder = $PSScriptRoot
$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER = $env:current_folder + "\.."
$env:win_runtime = "win-x86" # win-x64
$env:configuration = "Release" # Debug
$env:arch = "ia32" # x64
$env:plat = "win32"
$env:app_output_name = "app"
Write-Host "Installing dependencies" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-Host "--> git submodule" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
git submodule update --init --recursive
Write-Host "--> npm install" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
npm install --verbose
Write-Host "--> npm install npx" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
npm install npx --verbose
Write-Host "FINISHED restoring dotnet and npm packages" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
# build configuration #
Write-Host "*--------------------------------*" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-Host "current environment variables:" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-Host "Windows runtime: $env:win_runtime" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-Host "Build directory: $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-Host "Configuration: $env:configuration" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
Write-Host "*--------------------------------*" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
Write-Host "running 'dotnet publish'" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
cd $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER/StratisBitcoinFullNode/Stratis.BreezeD
dotnet publish -c $env:configuration -v m -r $env:win_runtime -o $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\Breeze.UI\daemon
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
Write-Host "building Breeze" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
npm run build:prod
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
Write-Host "packaging breeze" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
npx electron-builder build --windows --$env:arch
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
Write-Host "[$env:configuration][$env:win_runtime] FINISHED Breeze packaging" -foregroundcolor "magenta"
cd app-builds
Write-Host "[$env:configuration][$env:win_runtime] Done! Your installer is:" -foregroundcolor "green"
Get-ChildItem -Path "*.exe" | foreach-object {$_.Fullname}
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) }
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