Commit f57f8005 authored by Pieterjan Vanhoof's avatar Pieterjan Vanhoof Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #294 from stratisproject/ui

Fix password validation
parents 1c6a03c4 db5256ca
......@@ -8,17 +8,14 @@ export class PasswordValidationDirective {
constructor() { }
static MatchPassword(AC: AbstractControl) {
AC.get('walletPassword').valueChanges.subscribe(() => {
let password = AC.get('walletPassword').value;
let confirmPassword = AC.get('walletPasswordConfirmation').value;
if(password != confirmPassword) {
if(confirmPassword !== password) {
AC.get('walletPasswordConfirmation').setErrors({ walletPasswordConfirmation: true });
} else {
return null
return null;
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