1. 14 Feb, 2019 3 commits
  2. 11 Jan, 2019 1 commit
  3. 27 Nov, 2018 1 commit
    • Sergei Zubov's avatar
      Fix mempool corruption at zero-inputs · 784621af
      Sergei Zubov authored
      When node accepts transaction or receives block, it tries to load all
      inputs to mempool. Trying to load zero-inputs to mempool leads to
      corruption - valid transaction may be removed from mempool during
      conflicts check. To prevent this, inputs selection algorithms modified
      to ignore zero-inputs. Conflicts check ignores them too.
  4. 21 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  5. 19 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  6. 30 Oct, 2018 2 commits
  7. 23 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  8. 19 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  9. 17 Oct, 2018 1 commit
    • Sergei Zubov's avatar
      Modify consensus to ignore pointer input · 0e5c86ab
      Sergei Zubov authored
      Input with pointer to change output conflicts with consensus rules as
      there is no underlying transaction with funds for that input. Consensus
      modified to ignore that input in funds checks.
  10. 18 Jul, 2018 1 commit
    • Pavel Pavlov's avatar
      Merge DeStream-Blockchain with solution Stratis.Bitcoin.FullNode · a7ce9631
      Pavel Pavlov authored
      - NBitcoin
      	- move folder JsonConverters
      	- remove Protobuf
      	- move RPC
      - NBitcoin.Tests
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Notification
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Notifications.Tests
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Dns
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Dns.Tests
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.BlockStore
      	- added BlockStoreQueue.cs
      	- remove BlockPair.cs
      	- remove BlockStoreLoop.cs
      	- remove BlockStoreLoopStep.cs
      	- remove BlockStoreLoopStats.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\BlockStoreInnerStepContext.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\BlockStoreInnerStepFindBlocks.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\BlockStoreInnerStepReadBlocks.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\CheckNextChainedBlockExistStep.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\DownloadBlockStep.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\ProcessPendingStorageStep.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\ReorganiseBlockRepositoryStep.cs
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Consensus
      	- added RuleContextOverrides.cs
      	- added CoinviewRule.cs
      	- added PosCoinviewRule.cs
      	- added PowCoinviewRule.cs
      	- remove Checkpoints.cs
      	- remove ConsensusManager.cs
      	- remove ConsensusPerformanceCounter.cs
      	- remove ConsensusSettings.cs
      	- remove ContextualInformation.cs
      	- remove IPosConsensusValidator.cs
      	- remove IPowConsensusValidator.cs
      	- remove PosConsensusValidator.cs
      	- remove IConsensusRules.cs
      	- remove PowConsensusValidator.cs
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Api
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Api.Tests
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.LightWallet
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.MemoryPool
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Miner
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.RPC
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Wallet
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.WatchOnlyWallet
      - Stratis.Bitcoin
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Cli
      - Stratis.BitcoinD
      - Stratis.BreezeD
      - Stratis.StratisD
      - Stratis.StratisDnsD
  11. 21 May, 2018 1 commit
  12. 08 May, 2018 1 commit
  13. 05 Apr, 2018 1 commit