1. 11 Jan, 2019 1 commit
  2. 20 Sep, 2018 1 commit
    • Sergei Zubov's avatar
      Modify processing of genesis block · 00b2e5bd
      Sergei Zubov authored
      Coins are emitted in genesis block. To make them spendable, they are
      added to CoinView. WalletManager changed to include them in wallet's
  3. 18 Jul, 2018 1 commit
    • Pavel Pavlov's avatar
      Merge DeStream-Blockchain with solution Stratis.Bitcoin.FullNode · a7ce9631
      Pavel Pavlov authored
      - NBitcoin
      	- move folder JsonConverters
      	- remove Protobuf
      	- move RPC
      - NBitcoin.Tests
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Notification
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Notifications.Tests
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Dns
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Dns.Tests
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.BlockStore
      	- added BlockStoreQueue.cs
      	- remove BlockPair.cs
      	- remove BlockStoreLoop.cs
      	- remove BlockStoreLoopStep.cs
      	- remove BlockStoreLoopStats.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\BlockStoreInnerStepContext.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\BlockStoreInnerStepFindBlocks.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\BlockStoreInnerStepReadBlocks.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\CheckNextChainedBlockExistStep.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\DownloadBlockStep.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\ProcessPendingStorageStep.cs
      	- remove \LoopSteps\ReorganiseBlockRepositoryStep.cs
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Consensus
      	- added RuleContextOverrides.cs
      	- added CoinviewRule.cs
      	- added PosCoinviewRule.cs
      	- added PowCoinviewRule.cs
      	- remove Checkpoints.cs
      	- remove ConsensusManager.cs
      	- remove ConsensusPerformanceCounter.cs
      	- remove ConsensusSettings.cs
      	- remove ContextualInformation.cs
      	- remove IPosConsensusValidator.cs
      	- remove IPowConsensusValidator.cs
      	- remove PosConsensusValidator.cs
      	- remove IConsensusRules.cs
      	- remove PowConsensusValidator.cs
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Api
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Api.Tests
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.LightWallet
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.MemoryPool
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Miner
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.RPC
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Wallet
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.WatchOnlyWallet
      - Stratis.Bitcoin
      - Stratis.Bitcoin.Cli
      - Stratis.BitcoinD
      - Stratis.BreezeD
      - Stratis.StratisD
      - Stratis.StratisDnsD
  4. 21 May, 2018 1 commit
  5. 08 May, 2018 1 commit
  6. 05 Apr, 2018 1 commit