Test vectors and reference implementation

parent 0a7fcef6
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#!/usr/bin/env python2
import binascii
import hashlib
import hmac
import struct
import ecdsa
import ed25519
from base58 import b58encode_check
privdev = 0x80000000
def int_to_string(x, pad):
result = ['\x00'] * pad
while x > 0:
pad -= 1
ordinal = x & 0xFF
result[pad] = (chr(ordinal))
x >>= 8
return ''.join(result)
def string_to_int(s):
result = 0
for c in s:
if not isinstance(c, int):
c = ord(c)
result = (result << 8) + c
return result
# mode 0 - compatible with BIP32 private derivation
def seed2hdnode(seed, modifier, curve):
k = seed
while True:
h = hmac.new(modifier, seed, hashlib.sha512).digest()
key, chaincode = h[:32], h[32:]
a = string_to_int(key)
if (curve == 'ed25519'):
if (a < curve.order and a != 0):
seed = h
#print 'RETRY seed: ' + binascii.hexlify(seed)
return (key, chaincode)
def fingerprint(publickey):
h = hashlib.new('ripemd160', hashlib.sha256(publickey).digest()).digest()
return h[:4]
def b58xprv(parent_fingerprint, private_key, chain, depth, childnr):
raw = ('\x04\x88\xad\xe4' +
chr(depth) + parent_fingerprint + int_to_string(childnr, 4) +
chain + '\x00' + private_key)
return b58encode_check(raw)
def b58xpub(parent_fingerprint, public_key, chain, depth, childnr):
raw = ('\x04\x88\xb2\x1e' +
chr(depth) + parent_fingerprint + int_to_string(childnr, 4) +
chain + public_key)
return b58encode_check(raw)
def publickey(private_key, curve):
if curve == 'ed25519':
sk = ed25519.SigningKey(private_key)
return '\x00' + sk.get_verifying_key().to_bytes()
Q = string_to_int(private_key) * curve.generator
xstr = int_to_string(Q.x(), 32)
parity = Q.y() & 1
return chr(2 + parity) + xstr
def derive(parent_key, parent_chaincode, i, curve):
assert len(parent_key) == 32
assert len(parent_chaincode) == 32
k = parent_chaincode
if ((i & privdev) != 0):
key = '\x00' + parent_key
key = publickey(parent_key, curve)
d = key + struct.pack('>L', i)
while True:
h = hmac.new(k, d, hashlib.sha512).digest()
key, chaincode = h[:32], h[32:]
if curve == 'ed25519':
#print 'I: ' + binascii.hexlify(h)
a = string_to_int(key)
key = (a + string_to_int(parent_key)) % curve.order
if (a < curve.order and key != 0):
key = int_to_string(key, 32)
d = '\x01' + h[32:] + struct.pack('>L', i)
#print 'a failed: ' + binascii.hexlify(h[:32])
#print 'RETRY: ' + binascii.hexlify(d)
return (key, chaincode)
def get_curve_info(curvename):
if curvename == 'secp256k1':
return (ecdsa.curves.SECP256k1, 'Bitcoin seed')
if curvename == 'nist256p1':
return (ecdsa.curves.NIST256p, 'Nist256p1 seed')
if curvename == 'ed25519':
return ('ed25519', 'ed25519 seed')
raise BaseException('unsupported curve: '+curvename)
def show_testvector(name, curvename, seedhex, derivationpath):
curve, seedmodifier = get_curve_info(curvename)
master_seed = binascii.unhexlify(seedhex)
k,c = seed2hdnode(master_seed, seedmodifier, curve)
p = publickey(k, curve)
fpr = '\x00\x00\x00\x00'
path = 'm'
print "### "+name+" for "+curvename
print "Seed (hex): " + seedhex
print '* Chain ' + path
print ' * fpr: ' + binascii.hexlify(fpr)
print ' * chain: ' + binascii.hexlify(c)
print ' * prv: ' + binascii.hexlify(k)
print ' * pub: ' + binascii.hexlify(p)
depth = 0
for i in derivationpath:
if curve == 'ed25519':
# no public derivation for ed25519
i = i | privdev
fpr = fingerprint(p)
depth = depth + 1
path = path + "/" + str(i & (privdev-1))
if ((i & privdev) != 0):
path = path + "<sub>H</sub>"
k,c = derive(k, c, i, curve)
p = publickey(k, curve)
print '* Chain ' + path
print ' * fpr: ' + binascii.hexlify(fpr)
print ' * chain: ' + binascii.hexlify(c)
print ' * prv: ' + binascii.hexlify(k)
print ' * pub: ' + binascii.hexlify(p)
#print b58xprv(fpr, kc, cc, depth, i)
#print b58xpub(fpr, pc, cc, depth, i)
def show_testvectors(name, curvenames, seedhex, derivationpath):
for curvename in curvenames:
show_testvector(name, curvename, seedhex, derivationpath)
curvenames = ['secp256k1', 'nist256p1', 'ed25519'];
show_testvectors("Test vector 1", curvenames,
[privdev + 0, 1, privdev + 2, 2, 1000000000])
show_testvectors("Test vector 2", curvenames,
[0, privdev + 2147483647, 1, privdev + 2147483646, 2])
show_testvectors("Test derivation retry", ['nist256p1'],
[privdev + 28578, 33941])
show_testvectors("Test seed retry", ['nist256p1'],
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